SlashNext Cloud Email + Microsoft 365 = Complete Email Protection

n today's digital landscape characterized by connectivity and remote collaboration, email is the lifeline for communication, and the prime vector for malicious actors seeking to exploit user vulnerabilities. Recognizing this, Microsoft has bolstered its email security arsenal with Defender for Office 365 (MDO), formerly known as Advanced Threat Protection (ATP), as an additional layer to Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Read this whitepaper for a more comprehensive discussion of why supplementing Microsoft with an additional AI-based email security solution can provide your organizations more sufficient protection against BEC and advanced phishing attacks. Want to know more about how SlashNext AI augments Microsoft 365 to stop Zero-hour BEC attacks and advanced phishing threats? Contact today.

SlashNext Cloud Email + Microsoft 365 = Complete Email Protection published by CMIT Solutions of Austin - Downtown & West

CMIT specializes in IT solutions that monitor your computers and systems 24/7/365. This proactive management system notifies us when devices in your network experience an issue, backs up your data safely and securely and prevents cybersecurity problems before they affect your business.